Online Harassment: A policy against and affordances?

Facebook is an example. Below is Facebook’s Community Standards regarding Dignity: Dignity: We believe that all people are equal in dignity and rights. We expect that people will respect the dignity of others and not harass or degrade others. Our Community Standards apply to everyone, all around the world, and to all types of content. They’re designed to beContinueContinue reading “Online Harassment: A policy against and affordances?”

Commentary: Moral Censorship & Human’s Reluctant Future Development

I think moral censorship has a hugely detrimental influence. Its dimension is such an underlying pinpoint crawled in each of our society and makes some feel hurt and others may have at least some levels of impacts. The reason that makes us feel moral difficult to be censored is the universal good for all. It cannotContinueContinue reading “Commentary: Moral Censorship & Human’s Reluctant Future Development”

Global Internet Governance & Democracy

Internet governance (IG) is the need to make sure that every part can work together in the digital space. Since the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) had lasting effects in building peace of global governance and upheld a crucial step in the development of tolerance and secularization across world politics. However, in the digital world inContinueContinue reading “Global Internet Governance & Democracy”

Social media magnified political polarization in the U.S

Divided democracy in the age of the Internet perhaps is a fact. Platforms such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon are the “Big Five” who are controlling people’s data across the world. Behind them, behind the politicians in relation with the people, what unites us all to look to a prosperous future for humanContinueContinue reading “Social media magnified political polarization in the U.S”

Machine Learning & Facebook’s Newsfeed Algorithms: Be Caution!

MACHINE LEARNING YOU are about to give the computer a goal to build it. Why? Because it helps you to use it easier. In another word, you request a computer to work out an outcome for you. And then, the computer itself will learn how to code it, set it into an algorithm and bringContinueContinue reading “Machine Learning & Facebook’s Newsfeed Algorithms: Be Caution!”